- Set-up of our Apiculture Development Department for the provision of updated information to beekeepers, carrying out training seminars and sessions with beekeepers’ groups, in an effort to exchange experience and to resolve any production challenges at collective level;
- Cooperating on a direct and multi-level basis with the Apiculture Departments of the Agricultural University of Athens and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, to implement joint actions and to directly disseminate information;
- Investing on the establishment and operation of the Weather Station on Thasos Island in 2016, for the constant recording and unfailing provision of weather data. Next, beekeepers are informed via text messaging about weather forecasts.
- Enabling beekeepers to participate in research programs funded or/and joined by the Company. Specifically, our Company strongly supports original research in the field of hymenoptera venom allergy, held by the Allergology Unit of the 2nd Pediatric Clinic at “P & A Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital.
For more info, visit section Close to Beekeepers
- Establishing the “Beecome a friend” project, which places bees at its heart and creates the perfect occasion for getting to know them. The project involves activities to highlight the importance of bees and their products. Raising public awareness about the environment and helping every single small bee are preconditions for bees to keep doing their valuable work with safety. We have been creating a support chain for bees all along the Greek part of Earth.
For more info, visit beecomeafriend.gr
- Sponsoring charity organizations by providing food products.
- Supporting unions and social grocery stores by donating food products.
- Supporting kindergartens.
- Sponsoring sports clubs – Sponsor of Karditsa Basketball Club
- Hosting visits of students at our facilities; our employees’ visits to schools, making presentations on the importance of honey and bees through useful information material.
- Supporting pupils/students by raising their awareness on bees, greek honey and balanced diet. In particular, our Company has financed a number of researches and has sponsored plenty of surveys on these topics.